
Yesterday I was at a doctor’s office waiting to get my annual mammogram. If you’ve ever had a mammogram, you know that it isn’t any fun. As I waited to be called, I was trying to distract myself with cheesy magazines and social media before starting to send text messages, DanO – how’s your day going? Kim – Wanna head to the beach later this week? Anna – When do you get home from school today?

Before I hit send on the last one, it hit me. Anna wasn’t getting home from school, because she didn’t have school. She’s done. Finito. I’d known it was coming for 18 years, celebrated with her at countless parties over the last two weeks, and sat through a two hour ceremony filled with caps and gowns, playing Pomp and Circumstance BUT it didn’t really sink in until I was sitting in a sterile waiting room with a bunch of strangers, all of us wearing nothing but red and pink striped robes.

Welcome to my world. I was actually relieved when my name was called to go have my boobs smashed flat as pancakes.

Enough of me, my boobs, and my crazy emotions – here are some photos of Anna on her big day!


Love, Jess

My mammogram — unlike me — was normal.



still spinning.

Not feeling like I can find the right words to adequately describe all the milestones/celebrations we’re enjoying right now. The only words I can think of are unreal, overwhelming, beautiful, magic and coffee (I can’t seem to get enough).

When words don’t work, I turn to photos. Here are some favorites from the first five days of The Torrey’s Crazy 14 Days of Non-Stop Celebrations, or maybe it should be The Crazy Torreys 14 Days of Non-Stop Celebrations.

Graduation parties, Father’s Day, a birthday celebration for JackO (between his transplant and typical birthdays) – complete with incredible live music and delicious cupcakes, and Prom.



I’m loving every minute of each event and haven’t cried as much as I’d anticipated, but trust me – my brain is still spinning.

Next stop – Graduation.

Love, Jess


my brain is spinning


Sometimes months go by without much fanfare and then you hit a couple of weeks that you feel like life won’t stop long enough for you to catch your breath. That’s how us Torreys are feeling now. Our calendar is filled — parties (five this week alone – one at our house), Anna’s prom, Anna’s graduation, a birthday celebration for Jack at his school, Anna’s 18th birthday, my brother and beautiful sister-in-law are having a baby, Dan and I are even sneaking in a Dead & Company show this Friday. I’m pretty sure I’m too old for all this excitement, but at least I’m so busy that I’m not breaking down nearly as much as I’d anticipated.

Sitting down to write this post, I was hoping that my fingers on the keyboard would allow me to reflect on what I’m feeling. I thought for sure I would come up with some cleaver way of describing this point in our family’s journey. I would let it all out as I found the words – I would feel calmer.


Instead, as I’m writing this my brain is spinning with things like – What am I gonna wear for graduation? Did I order enough bagels for brunch on Sunday? Crap – what the hell am I gonna do with the dogs that day? Is this allergies or am I coming down with a cold . . . or the flu . . . ? Where did I hide that present I got for Anna a few months ago? Can I reschedule my mammogram to next month? Did Anna remember to grab her cap and gown? 

Clearly this is not really working. I promise to try again in a day or two. Gotta run now and order more bagels and maybe another quiche.

Love, Jess

PS I am aware that this isn’t a “Torrey” specific post or a “special needs” specific post. It’s an “end of the school year when way too much $hit happens at the same time” post. Sooooooo many great things to celebrate, but it’s exhausting and it’s barely begun!!