HaPpY 2022?!?!?!?!

There are few things as depressing as taking down the Christmas tree. It literally screams – THE PARTY IS OVER!!!!!!!!

We had a great holiday season, but this year’s celebrations were tainted with a constant fear of being cancelled. We had piles of fun activities planned — family parties, visits with friends and plans to celebrate Anna’s graduation (YES – our Banana is done with school). Leading up to each event we’d scrambled to find a test, swipe our noses and pray — COVID was everywhere!! We were almost resigned to getting it (hoping that our boosters would do the trick). Good news is we managed to sneak in almost all our plans, and so far none of us got sick with anything (but perhaps a little bit of a hangover here and there).

Yesterday when I started taking down the holiday decorations, I thought about all the fun we had over the last few weeks and then heard Anna packing up and Dan starting our 11th load of laundry. 

Anna’s now back in Baltimore, Dan’s upstairs being loud about crypto currency, Jack is out with his other mother, Maria, and I’m sitting at my desk wondering how I’m going to work 20 hours a week as a counseling intern while going to school full time. I have the news on in the background and COVID is continuing to try to cripple the world, there are warnings about threats of violence on the anniversary of January 6th and someone just mentioned it might snow on Friday.

The party is indeed over!

I’m trying to remind myself that 2022 is going to be a great year. Anna starts her life as a grown-up while living/working in Baltimore and applying to medical school. Dan has his job that he loves and his Old School Vinyl Podcast. I will be finishing my master’s program and start my twentieth career as a counselor. And, Jack will continue being the happiest man on the planet☺️!

Here’s to a fantastic 2022! May it bring everyone joy, health 😷and happiness!! I promise I’m toasting with a simple glass of water 😉

Love, Jess