Jack is 23!!!!!!!

Jack is 23 and we are sure about that number because we celebrated a whole bunch! Lunches, dinners, pool parties, even a cooking class – our boy has been busy!!

There are a whole lot of photos to share and two videos that are sure to put a smile on your face. Enjoy!!!

We love you Jamilla!!!!!!😘

Love, Mom

PS We will see the Torrey family soon and will celebrate again. The party never ends!!!!

I need more time!

I have never been busier. In fact, I have no business writing anything right now that does not require APA citations. I just need to rest my brain and am hoping that writing here will calm me.

The last five days have been wonderful but nuts! We’ve been to Tuxedo Park to hang with the Cappello Crew, hosted a dinner party, hosted a brunch, facilitated an ALD Caregiver’s call, written a 12-page paper digging deep into my cultural identity, listened to three lectures, read 73 pages of research articals (at least I said I read them), attended three classes, spent an hour at PT for my shoulder, completed forms for Jack’s adult program, completed forms for my internship, and made and canceled at least 5 doctor’s appointments.

In the next five days we are having my nephews and sister-in-law over for some fun, going to Tuxedo Park to hang with my folks and celebrate Jack’s birthday – while the family is boating and hiking and swimming, I will be going to NYU’s Virtual Emersion (hours and hours of intensive group therapy). On Saturday when I wrap up the Emersion, I log on the ALD Connect’s Bootcamp for Women with ALD. Sunday we are having Jack’s “other mothers and fathers” for some more birthday fun.

Jack turning 23, fascinating experiences in my MA program, a trip to my parent’s lovely new home, seeing friends and family – so much great stuff, just so little time to enjoy it. 

I need more time!!!!!!!

Okay – that did not work. My heart is now racing. Gotta run and put some clothes on so that I can log on to my class.

I promise to share photos of Jack’s birthday (and maybe a couple of me sitting at a desk with a box of tissues next to me).

Love, Jess